Frequently asked Questions

           What does sleep training mean?

Sleep training is implementing sleep strategies that are age appropriate. Educating on healthy sleep habits, sleep foundations and giving tools to your child to help them fall asleep on their own. It is not leaving your child alone to ‘figure it out’. It is working together with your child’d needs in mind to create a healthier sleep environment.

          How does sleep training work?

You first need to have set up healthy sleep habits, sleep foundations, age appropriate naps, bedtimes & wake windows. Taking a look at the sleep props (if any) and removing the problematic ones. There is a ton we discuss when creating a sleep plan for you but this is where it all starts. Again, each and every child has their own sleep struggles and where they are at so there is no one size fits all.

          Do you use the CIO method?

Simple answer, in short: no. The cry it out (also known as CIO or extinction) is a method of sleep training. This is when a child is put into their sleep space while they’re still awake and then left to fall asleep on their own. No matter if they cry or not and no length of time. I will never ask to do this, however just with any change there will most likely be some form of crying. Will it last? No. Can you comfort your child? Absolutely. We work together to create a solution that both you are comfortable with and that will show progress towards healthy sleep. 

          Do we need to be at home during the sleep training process?

If you are thinking of the infant, toddler or child *full package* then yes. I ask that you be committed throughout our 2-3 weeks together. This means you will be at home for each bedtime and for naps (if required). Understandably, if your child is in a childcare setting that is totally okay and we work together on that. If you are thinking of any of the 4 *sleep basic packages* or the *infant full package* then that choice is left up to you. My recommendation is if you are starting to sleep train you will need a minimum of two weeks of consistency, predictability and comfortability in your own home to see the best results possible.

          How long is the process and when do we start seeing results?

This answer can vary and depends on factors such as your child, and your commitment to the plan. My packages are between 2-3 weeks in length and by the end of our time together you will be seeing major progress. You will typically start seeing results around the fourth night with consistency to the plan.

          What is a sleep prop? 

Sleep props, sleep associations, and a sleep crutch are all terms used to describe one thing. This is when your child relies on something to help them fall asleep. There are two main categories; positive sleep props and problematic sleep props. A problematic sleep prop is something that you must do in order to assist your child to sleep. Examples may include bottle/breastfeeding, rocking or patting. A positive sleep prop is anything that your child can use or do on their own to help them fall asleep. Examples include white noise, a special blanket or lovey. Again, it is only problematic if it is now affecting sleep and not anymore working for your family.

          What is the ideal bedtime?

Depending on the age of your child is when the ideal bedtime is. For the most part if your child is over the age of 4 months then anywhere between 7:00-8:00 pm is a great start. From newborn to 4 months anywhere between 7:00-10:00 pm is where they should be. This is a guideline only and depending on your family, and child this can vary. Finding the ‘soft spot’ for your child so they are not over or under tired is the best bet to a more stress free bedtime. 

          When should I start sleep training?

Whenever you are ready. When whatever you are currently doing is not working any more for your family. You  must decide that it’s the right time for you, your child and anyone else involved.

          Is there an age when a baby will start sleeping through the night?

There is no one right answer, meaning I can’t say “at 15 weeks your child will & can sleep through the night” because every kid is different. So when your pediatrician gives you the go ahead for no more night feeds then the possibility of sleeping through the night is there. Now there is more I discuss with you on our call to decipher if your child is ready. Some kids you hear sleep through the night at 6 weeks, and some still wake at 2 years. So it truly depends on your situation and what is important to you.

Book your discovery call now to learn more!